Thursday, October 6, 2011

Thank You Cooper!

Cooper, I wanted to say thank you for all you have brought to my life so far.  Before you I wouldn’t say I was insensitive I would just say that I was ignorant.  I didn’t know how wonderful different could be.  I too was one of those people who would look at “different” people and get a little nervous.  I didn’t know what to say or I would think “what if I say the wrong thing”.  I only saw that they were different.
In the two short months you have been in my life, not counting the 9 months we spent together almost as one (although I don’t know why I don’t count that time because I defiantly loved you long before you were born) you have taught me so many things.  I look at those they considered disabled as special not scary.  I want to talk to them and let them know that I see them and am so interested in knowing them.  I was so scared that I would look at you and only see down syndrome but I don’t.  I look at you and think you are a wonderful gift that was brought into my world.  I don’t see down syndrome I see you.  That cute little button nose, those little hands that wrap around my fingers, your cute little bottom lip that sticks out when you get upset….. and there are a million other things. 
You have also brought a wonderful community to me.  We have met amazing parents, therapist, care givers, doctors, nurses, and many more just because of you.  
Most of all you have taught me that LOVE doesn’t know different.  I am no longer worried about our future because I know no matter what I will always love you and be your biggest cheerleader.  I learned that I should trust myself and know that although I didn’t ask to be “this parent” someone knew what they were doing when they gave me you. 
It has only been two months but I feel like I have always loved you.  I know I have many more lessons for you to teach me and can’t wait to learn how to be better.  That is because you have already made me a much better person that I was before and I can’t wait to see you teach those around you.  I am greatly looking forward to watching you and being your mom!!! Thanks for being my son!!!
Love Always!


  1. Brooke...What a beautiful, touching post! You have been given such a giant gift- and it's obvious what a lucky guy Cooper already is. Speaking as a special education teacher- it is the parents like you that make all the difference in the lives of SO many children with special needs, not just your own. You were correct when you said that someone knew what they were doing when they gave you Cooper....Big HUGS. -Melissa (Austin) Smith
